Even before hiring, you need to understand the moment your law firm is going through. Have you ever stopped to think about what your main pains, difficulties, and challenges are? And what are the opportunities that you might be missing due to poor management, be it processes, finances, or customer service? The good news is that the best legal software such as legal workflow management software for instance on the market can help you with all these questions.
1 – Unstable Cash Flow
One of the main mistakes young lawyers make is not separating personal finances from the financial management of the law firm. After overcoming this challenge, the next good practice is to set up a cash flow for the office. But if one month the office is in the red and the next it has a large income and, even so, there is no favorable cash flow, maybe you have lost control of your business income and expenses. Legal software such as SAJ ADV, for example, contributes to controlling and monitoring accounts payable and receivable, manages reimbursements, and even issues annual cash flow reports, DRE (Income Statement for the Year), and Accounts Payable and Receive by Period.
2 – Increase In The Customer Portfolio
Some software such as in Smokeball for example has a client area where access can be released so that people with processes in the office can follow the case’s progress. There, they are available for queries: the service history and sending of documents, among others. Thus, in addition to increasing transparency, legal software manages to organize and absorb a larger client portfolio.
3 – Bureaucratic Activities
If the law firm has segmented the various areas existing in a legal business as if it were a company (financial, administrative, personnel, among others), it is already on the right path towards modernizing its structure. But how is the distribution of activities among employees? Are there many people working on the same process? Does one lawyer only get to read the play when the other is finished? Is it possible to share documents between collaborators? If each activity step needs to go through several hands and have many approvals, maybe it’s time to hire legal software. Software services are to be carried out more practically, as it allows the organization of activities by work groups, facilitating the delegation of tasks, file sharing, recording of hours worked, and priority of processes in service, among other facilities.
4 – Difficulty In Finding Process Information
If you need a lot of time to gather information to attend a client meeting, your office surely needs legal software. With software, it is possible to record meetings, and all activities carried out in a service or process. It also allows the organization of amounts deposited in court, the amounts granted and rejected by the judge, and all procedural steps. This information is recorded in the cloud, which allows access at any time, including by the office client.
5 – Lack Of Productivity
We have already shown on the SAJ ADV blog how a personal organization generates more productivity in offices. But how can employees be more productive if procedures are not organized, if there is a lack of standardization of methodologies or if there is a large workload for tight deadlines? Legal software like SAJ ADV increases the productivity of your firm’s lawyers, as the features are developed based on the needs and procedures adopted by law firms. As the manager has an overview of the system, he can follow the team’s work and organize priorities.